That's Pretty Clever (anglais)
Cueillette en magasin
106 boul. René-Lévesque Ouest à Québec
Habituellement prête en 1 heure
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Auteur : |
Wolfgang Warsch |
Artiste : |
Leon Schiffer |
Éditeur : |
Stronghold Games |
Nombre de joueurs : | 1 à 4 |
Âge : | 8 ans et + |
Durée : | 30 minutes |
Liens : |
BoardGameGeek (anglais) |
Choose your dice cleverly in Ganz Schön Clever, marking them in the matching colored areas on your Score sheet, putting together tricky chain scoring opportunities, and racking up the points!
The dice you don’t use are as important as those you do, because every die that has a lower value than your chosen die can be used by the other players, keeping everyone in the game at all times! The player with the most points at the end of all rounds of the game wins Ganz Schön Clever!