Marvel Champions: LCG - Star-Lord (anglais)
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106 boul. René-Lévesque Ouest à Québec
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Auteur : |
Michael Boggs |
Artiste : | N/A |
Éditeur : |
Fantasy Flight Games |
Nombre de joueurs : | 1 à 4 |
Âge : | 14 ans et + |
Durée : | 45 à 90 minutes |
Liens : |
BoardGameGeek (anglais) |
Though he was born on Earth, Peter Quill’s life has been spent among the stars, jumping from planet to planet. Now, under the mantle of Star-Lord, he protects our world from countless alien dangers while leading a team of superheroes—the Guardians of the Galaxy!
Lead the Guardians of the Galaxy into battle against the villain in the Star-Lord Hero Pack for Marvel Champions: The Card Game, which introduces Star-Lord as a brand-new playable hero, along with his fifteen signature cards. Fittingly, Star-Lord uses the Leadership sphere, and you’ll find a full assortment of new Leadership cards, as well as plenty of cards that reward you for uniting the Guardians of the Galaxy. With the new Guardian synergies unlocked, and a new player card for every sphere that rewards you for using the Aerial trait, you won’t want to let the Star-Lord Hero Pack fly past you.