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Distilled (French) - RENTAL

by Matagot
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***Un dépôt en argent ou en préautorisation par carte de crédit est requis lors de la cueillette du jeu. Voir la description du produit pour le montant du dépôt. Pour les retours prévus les lundis et mardis, le jeu doit être rapporté le mercredi de la même semaine.***
Duration: 1 jour

******DEPOSIT = 85.00$******


Designer : Dave Beck
Artist: Erik Evensen
Publisher: Matagot
Number of players: 1 to 5
Age: 14 years and +
Playing Time : 30 to 120 minutes
More Info :

BoardGameGeek (English)


You have just inherited the abandoned distillery from a remote parent and you will have to restore the family crest. You will have to learn new recipes and fight to get the best ingredients, the most beautiful bottles and the most prestigious barrels. You can also improve your facilities and use specialists to improve the efficiency of your distillery. At each handle, you discard one of the world's 15 best-known spirits thanks to game mechanics inspired by the real distillation process. You can either sell it immediately or have it aging in your cellar to make it more flavourless aromas.

  • A game of Strategy Immersive where the mechanics is totally at the service of the theme
  • 7 exciting sleeves during which you buy, resell, distil, improve, recruit
  • An additional booklet allows for a tutorial to take the hand game smoothly.